The Scout section meets on Friday evenings from 7pm – 9.30pm and caters for children aged 10 ½ to 14 years old.
In Scouts we build on what the children have learned in Cubs and aim to provide the next level of adventure and challenge. The program we provide builds confident, capable, individuals with good values and a love of adventure. Our philosophy is to say yes. We expect the young people to be involved in the program planning and as leaders our role is to make sure they can experience real adventure and challenge in a safe environment where risk is learned, respected and managed.
We typically provide up to 20 overnights per year including a winter weekend camp, scout craft skills weekend camp, watersports weekend camp and a 10 day summer camp. Other events through the year include night hikes, 24 hour fundraising events and community projects.
There is a range of badges and awards available to young people in the Scout Section.
Activity badges
Many of the badges available are activity badges, which allow Scouts to show their progress in existing pursuits, but also to try all kinds of new things and form new interests.
Challenge awards
Gaining a challenge badge involves accomplishing several more ambitious tasks within the Troop or community. There are several challenge badges across several themes, from the physical and outdoorsy to challenges dealing with the local community or issues connected with the Scouting world.
Core badges
In addition, there are a few core badges, obtained upon joining or moving on from the Troop, or for time spent in the Scout movement.
Activity packs
Some activity badges are sponsored by outside companies, and these companies often provide extra exciting resource packs to help Scouts towards gaining their badges.
Recognising achievement
You can also keep your young people motivated and recognise achievement with your own awards.